She was little small, to play with other children. She was playing on her own.
Many people came and tried to pick her up to show love and appreciation. She forcefully rejected all. I was watching people desperate to pick her up and play with her. She was stubborn and not willing to be even touched.
One of our friends picked her up in-spite of her resistance and that resulted in a loud cry followed by intense shouting sequence. He hurriedly kept her down and took his way towards other friends.
After some time I saw in her eyes. She was making some signs with her eyes, closing them and again opening them in a direction. I followed the direction of her mischief. There stood one of our friends Devdatta, leaning on a wall. He was playing with her from a distance. They were making faces to each other. He was showing her many items from her pocket, like keys, handkerchief etc. Suddenly she ran towards him "have you seen my new doll?"
"No I haven’t seen your doll, will you show it to me?" he asked
"Yes, come" said she enthusiastically and took his finger in her little hands and they were out of the room.
I saw faces of many people envying the event just happened. Devdatta was patient and exactly knew what is required to play with a little girl of her age. I though rest of the people just tried to show that they love children without thinking what the girl will like.
One of them even tried forcibly to pick her up just showing how much he loves children. Some also tried to adore her by touching her on cheeks which she resented.
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
Hi Tushar,
Nice article and very true too. We never bother to know about what the other person likes. We just think everything in our perspective only. Good work.
Hi Tushar,
That was really cute blog on cute girl. What you observed is true not just for kids but for elders too.
Why I always think what I want and why not I think what others might want? Good chain of thoughts it has set off ... keep writing.
N I V E D I T A ...
a VERY good article indeed
we must think about others likes and dislikes too
Hello Tushar
Great article and does provide a good lessen.
Well written articles, Tushar. Your articles have a freshness to it and it basically throws light on things we hardly notice in today's fast paced life. Nice to know such ! Keep up the great work !
Hi Tushar,
Great Work from you. It is necessary to understand the other mentality before going to do something. Carry on your work. It will be appreciated by all of us.
nice post..simple yet endearing...
keep posting :)
ur article gave me an "AHA" experiance
- swapnil gadre
simple superb with a great message.
Sorry I have no adulations for you. Your grammar needs a major make over. Fortunately your spellings are mostly right. Keep blogging but get some one to help you with the grammar.
Dear Sir,
Blog is really nice and must say that you have got an observant vision to even very trivial events of life. That put us in the question, If such routine events,which we overlook so easily,have this much potential to teach us, Its our mistake that we call this event trivial.
Great vision. Hats off!
Coming to the substance,
Live and Love, Love totally and intensely but never against the freedom! Freedom should remain the ultimate value!
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