"Hi, Sachin", was the voice saying when Sachin picked up his cell phone.
"Yes, Sachin here”, said he and added, "Is this Vikram?"
"Yes Sachin, you got it right. I got the news from Prakash and was happy to learn it. Congratulations for the achievement."
"Thanks Yaar, I was about to call you also."
"Oh, Thanks Sachin, and hey will you be at home in the evening? I am planning to visit you today."
"Yes I will be at home, no plans to go out today."
"Fine let us meet in the evening then, See you Sachin"
Sachin opened the door and welcomed Vikram. Vikram looked fresh and was holding a big pack in his hand.
What is this Vikram? Sachin asked surprised.
“These are pastries for all Sachin. I am very happy to learn you got promotion today and this is the way I always congratulate people.”
"Hey hey, Vikram, it is I man who should throw party for friends, why have you spent so much for this?"
"Sachin, if you feel like throwing a party, well that will be your decision and you should do that as and when possible. This is my happiness, that I wanted to share with you and for that if I demanded party then it wont make sense. If I am happy then this is the way I have found to share my happiness with you.”
"Do you always do like this?” was Sachin's next question.
"Yes always Sachin! I believe this is the way I can show my true feelings to people. You will never find me asking a Party for somebody's success. If I hear somebody has got success and I am happy for it then I celebrate the event with that person."
"Great! But don’t ask me to do something like this haa.n, I am used to demand party to my friends when something great happens in their life. This is our way to celebrate"
"Yes Sachin I agree that there are many ways to celebrate, I have found mine."
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
(Image courtesy Katy Watts)
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