That was my first day at college. I entered the class room. It was already full with around 15 more students. I gazed them in my usual style and searched for a vacant seat where I can settled down and start my year as student in this class.
Eventually I found one cushy place to seat and headed towards it. I passed by many other students chatting, laughing and getting introduced with each other.
After I was on my chosen place I was now ready to observe the other students and the variety of styles we had got there. One student entered. As soon as he entered he approached the first guy sitting next to the door and spread his hand just as about to shake his hands.
"This is Amit, Hi"
The students next to the door automatically stood up and shook hands. Amit then continued this shake hand process with most of the students presents that day in the class and then somebody gave him a seat.
I usually don’t give much importance to these types of stunts. I neglected him that day, but yes I was also one of them who shook hands with him that day.
Next day and coming many days, I learned that the hand shake ritual was not a stunt but was a regular feature of Amit. He made everybody feel that their presence is noted and observed. Obviously Amit was the most popular guy in our class and also most helpful to all.
I wished I could get some of his energy and make people around me feel that they are involved and their existence noted well.
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
(Image courtesy mushin_schilling)
Nice Tushar. Keep it up. Good and mind evoking topics.
Good content, but heading I felt is inappropriate. Neverthless, keep churning good stories for all of us.
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