Rains have started and the climate was wet. This was adding to the intensity of my pain and frustration. I saw a poor man digging beside the tea stall. He was sort of erecting some wooden columns so as to add a roof on top of them.
I strolled there near him and asked with curiosity
"What are you doing?"
"I am building my hut back, saab", said he not even looking towards me.
"Will you like to have some tea?" I asked but didn’t waited for his answer, and ordered "laalaa! One cut chaai here please."
Now he looked toward me with appreciation, as if he was thanking me with his eyes.
"What happened to your hut?" my question
"Yesterdays, rains washed away my hut and I need to re-build this before night"
I felt a connection between his situation and mine. Strange enough but he was also broke so as I. His hut was brought down not because of his fault just like my project failed not because of me. When you have to face failure from the situation where you are not responsible you always have a question "Why me?"
"Don't you feel pain bhaiyya? This is such a sad thing that you have lost your hut yesterday. I can feel the pain you may have inside", I tried to console him by showing my sympathy.
"Pain saab!, I cannot afford to be painful, I cannot afford to even think about the sorrow and why me stuff. I must work again and build this hut from the start as fast as possible so my wife and child can have some roof to-night to sleep"
Internally I felt to touch his feet for teaching me this lesson. Wow! Can I afford to be frustrated? What am I doing? Just sorrowing and doing nothing to proceed further.
Yes even I cannot afford to be painful and do nothing. I must proceed. I got my lesson that day from an un-conventional teacher.
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
manali said -
'there are many unconventional teachers around us, but we dont have time to look at them'
Hi Tushar,
Great - nothing else to say - just one thing - you made my day
sonali (Nashik)
gr8.I got ur article when i needed it the most.Thx.
Hello Tushar,
I have been going through your various articles for the last couple of days. I was really impressed by the way you have observed certain things and also the things u have learnet from them and shared with us.
KeEp iT uP
Nice article Tushar.
Thanks. It came in a right time.
Amal P.
Cool........ Remember it for UR lifetime.
Hi Tushar
one more thing i would like to
Conclude in this
"Keep your eyes open always and you will learn a LOT"
nice article,
thanks for this article. it is inspiring me and also those who readit.
we expect such nice article from you in future.
thanks for this article. it is inspiring me and also those who readit.
we expect such nice article from you in future.
. .................. sunil
very nice article! poor man's ans braught nothing but glowing smile on my face :) Thanks.
-Gouri Ghotkar
Thanks for your article...it has inspired me and maybe ur article like the many others that i have read will keep me running throught the rainy days
Very inspiring article ......
Great piece of inspiration.....
- Vikas Jha
hey tushar..
looks like its come to me at the right time..
ur right.. we cant waste time thinking more and being more depressed..
Abhijit (goa)
Hi Tushar,
really nice article.
that poor man taught us all a lesson
a very good article indeed!
nice blog tushar
Quite true. I personally feel there is much scope of improvement in thoughts, actions. And we have to be always in search for these kind of unconventional teachers!! An urge to improve has to be there. Nice Observation. These are the common things happening in day to day lives. Well, life remains a learning pathway.......
Hi Tushar
Nice thing presented in nice manner and best thing is that you have not only used it for Ur self but try to pass it on to as many as possible.
Many thanks to U and that old man.
One should try to damp (remove) all the bad thing to diminish them from this beautifull world and absorb all good things then amplify them and resend to this world as you have done. So that other can use it.
HI Tushar,
I m also some similar problems..Hope this story will help me out.. to proceed further...
Nice Inspirational One. Keep Posting such .
Nice article.
Life has strange way of teaching things only if you can look around yourself with "Open Eyes"
Good Day.
Vinay Yadav
good going. certainly something to ponder on. keep it coming.
It reeeaaaaaaaly is heart touchinng
Hey nice buddy !!!!
Pan apayashatun shikato toch pudhe jato.
Ani pudhachyala thech lagaleli pahun hi parat tich chuk karato to kadhich shikat nahi.
Article is very good . We must something out of it.
Not just reading and feeling good.
We need to act like that.
Dear tushar,
Success is a journey and not destination.......
U r never a looser untill u quit....
Buck up man.......let me know ur views on my comment.....
Sachin Ashok Bedekar...
Thank you all for the comments and for reading my article.
Dear Sachin,
You are true. Success is a journey, it is a state of mind and not a object to be grabbed. Success is attitude of show must go on, it is available in abundance and available to all.
Tushar Vijay Joshi
Dear Tushar
Nice article.
Failure is part and parcel of life . I really enjoyed my failure and learn lot of lesson .
Keep it up and best wishes to you.
Rajan Tawade
HI Tushar!!
Inspirational Stuff indeed!!!
never give up in life & fight until u win is the motto of my life too!!!
Really Nice article... We must keep our eyes open all the time to see these un-conventional teachers around us. I personally feel that, from every person we meet in our life, we can learn something good.
Two more lines I would like to write here:
Apne haathon ki lakeeron ko kya dekh rahe ho.....
Naseeb Unke bhi hote hain jinke haath nahin hote.....
+91 98230 92381
some lesson we all learn....
You have a major problem. If you say "It was not my fault", you are setting yourself up for failure again the next time.
Anil Gupte's wrote...
You have a major problem. If you say "It was not my fault", you are setting yourself up for failure again the next time.
Hi Anil,
Your point is well taken. This is a narrative story of a person who is in depression initially. The statements written are coming from the thoughts of a depressed man. They are not meant to be perfect and positive, hence you can always find many improvements in the thinking pattern the man in story need to work on.
The highlight is on the man getting some ray of light to proceed towards positive thinking. After some time he may recover and also realize that the system cannot be blamed for own failures.
Thanks for the comment. Please keep reading and critically reviewing the articles. It helps me write better the next time.
Thanks Again
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
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